The last of the Mohicans - Последний из могикан
The term the last of the Mohicans derives from the
name of a book by F. Cooper (1789— 1851), an American novelist. The Mohicans were North American Indians who lived in the valley of the Hudson River and
had their encampments even in the Great North Woods
of New York.
F. Cooper became famous for his stories of adventure among the Redskins. He wrote his book of the Mohicans in 1826, at a time when the Indians were still
fairly numerous and often took to the warpath against
the white settlers. They have practically all died out
since then.
Now the phrase the last of the Mohicans is used
metaphorically to denote the last representative of a
social group or of a dying out generation.
1. Последним из могикан называют последнего представителя общественной группы или отживающего поколения. 2. Источник этого выражения — роман американского писателя Фенимора Купера. 3. В романе описывается борьба могикан, племени североамериканских индейцев, с белыми поселенцами, европейскими колонизаторами. 4. Племя, описанное в романе, в настоящее время совершенно вымерло.